This baby or toddler jacket, in soft blue denim with pretty pink velvet and crème lace accents is made from a pair of cast-offs jeans. Worn denim has a wonderful soft hand-feel and texture that can be re-made into “new” clothes for toddlers, giving the clothes a romantic, charming and very hip look for very little time and a tiny budget. I made this as a baby gift and it was inspired by photographs of antique doll’s clothing and my interest to re-cycle and make by hand. I really enjoyed making it!
The pattern is a size 92cm, and is sewn with ½” seam allowances.
A pair of cast-off jeans – adult size
4 1/2 yards x 1 3/8” crème cotton lace
1 1/2 yards x ½” wide pink crushed velvet ribbon
Thread to match the denim, the lace and also a shade deeper than the denim (I used black thread but ochre is another option)
The front, back and front side panel pattern pieces
Your sewing machine and sewing basket
Cut the denim:
Wash your jeans. Cut the jean legs off and cut them open along the inseam. Press them open and lay them flat on the table. Lay your pattern pieces on them to decide the best placements (the straight grain is usually down the center of the jeans.) When you are happy with the placement, pin and cut out your pieces.
--Note: I cut the right side pieces from one leg and the left side pieces from the other leg, and in this way I balanced the worn denim texture.
Soak the denim pieces and tumble dry to get the softly frayed edges. Press.
Sew the jacket:
Sew the front side panel to the front piece.
Ease the side panel excess into two tucks. Sew dart.
Sew the center back seams.
Press all seams.
Sew the overarm seam and press.
Sew the underarm seam, clip and press.
Sew on lace:
Cut off a 12” strip of lace and reserve for the back bow detail.
Starting at the bottom sideseam, pin the lace all around the outer edge of the jacket with ¼” tucks about ¾”.
--Note: Narrow the amount the lace extends beyond the denim edge to ½” around the neck to the waist point.
Baste in place, remove pins and sew with a zigzag stitch, ¼” from the denim edge with the denim thread in the needle and the crème thread in the bobbin. Repeat around the cuffs. Remove basting.
Finish with a row of hand running stitches, using the contrasting thread, ½” from the denim edge.
Sew on the Ribbon:
Cut two strips of velvet, 12” long. Attach each strip, with a ½” fold back, to one end of the front darts. Sew securely with hand stitches using the crème thread. Cut the loose velvet ends on a diagonal.
Make a back velvet bow, with a 2 ½” spread. Tack at the center back waist with a 12” strip of lace folded in half, underneath. Cut velvet and lace ends on a diagonal.
Trim any really gangly denim thread ends. Knot securely all threads.
The jacket is adorable layered over a pretty dress, or knit t-shirt and leggings with pretty boots.