Monroe County Sheriff Tilman Crutchfield said the person responsible for the death of Nevaeh Buchanan is probably a local person because the place where she was found buried is rural and not well-known.
"It’s someone who knows the area," the sheriff said Friday night. "In my mind, it’s someone from around here. I don’t think anyone would come up from Ohio or California and just come across this place."
The cause of death will not be available immediately, the sheriff said, because lab tests have to be completed. However the body, which was buried along the banks of the River Raisin off Dixon Rd., did not have any obvious signs of trauma, Sheriff Crutchfield said.
"There were no obvious injuries," he said.
Evidence had been collected at the scene, but the sheriff would not divulge details. He said tests must be completed before anything is determined. An autopsy was performed Friday at the Wayne County Medical Examiner’s Office.
"I wouldn’t expect anything from the autopsy for a couple of days," the sheriff said. "There’s a lot of analysis that needs to be done."
At a press conference Friday morning, the sheriff said the task force is continuing to follow more than 1,000 tips and leads in hopes that a suspect is developed soon.
"This is a sick and disturbed person we’re looking for," he told reporters. "(The task force) is a group that is committed to resolving this crime."
On Friday night, the site where fishermen discovered the body encased or covered with concrete was reopened. Although evidence had been recovered at the scene of the burial, a search of the river did not produce much success.
"We didn’t recover anything of value from the river," Sheriff Crutchfield said.
Although all indications are that the body found is Nevaeh, the sheriff said officials are waiting for DNA results to be 100 percent sure.
"It’s our opinion that this is Nevaeh," he said.
Funeral arrangements will not be decided until later, said The Rev. Dale Hayford of Crosswalk Community Church. Rev. Hayford said family members were "as good as can be expected" and a Sunday church service was planned for mourners.
Maybe they should find out if any of the sex offenders surrounding poor Nevaeh hung out in the area. Even if none of the registered sex offenders that Nevaeh's mom chose to have around her daughter are the murderer, something needs to be done about the woman. No mom in her right mind would chose a friend over the safety of their child. And she admits to doing just that on occasion.
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