Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Murder and Mayhem Links 13 June 2011

Casey Anthony Trial: Heart-Shaped Sticker Residue Found on Duct Tape She knows she killed that baby. Why doesn't she just admit it and save the State of Florida a fortune.
Tori Spelling Ballistic At Photogs After Car Crash- A pregnant Tori Spelling was in a crash while dropping her kids off at school. The accident was caused by photographers chasing the actress. Are photos of Spelling in such hot demand that the paparazzi have to chase her?
Jitters over Kim's $1M Cover- People magazine is nervous about the million dollar deal they did to cover Kim Kardashian's wedding. They only got the exclusive because OK! backed out of a $2million deal. People paid the reality harlot $300,000 to cover the engagement, but it didn't sell as well as they thought. Looks like celeb watchers are looking for someone new to follow. It doesn't last forever, just ask Paris Hilton.

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