Thursday, July 14, 2011

Murder and Mayhem Links 14 June 2011

Arnold's Mistress: Maria and I Cried Together Mildred Baena has started pimping out her outside baby with Arnold Schwarzanegger. She all over the cover of Hello Magazine with her son Joseph (Whom I refuse to call a love child, because you know she was just a booty call. Love had nothing to do with it.)

And I'm predicting now that Petra Ecclestone may be the tabloid replacement for Kim Kardashian (who was Paris Hilton's replacement). She did just buy a house that was on the market for $150million with daddy's money. And she has an upcoming wedding too.  And there is an Ecclestone sister act, she has a sister Tamara. I don't think Kim will be able to compete. Bye bye Kim.

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